Awakened Aspects was created to serve as an oasis for starseeds, awakening earthseeds, spiritual seekers, and those looking for self-reflective nourishment.
Whether the question we face is in our career, relationship, finance, health, life purpose, mission, or just a general curiosity about the cosmic unknown, there is always a way to tap into the inner source of wisdom that resides within the hidden realms of existence, oftentimes presenting as an outside catalyst.
Awakening to the answers to our life’s challenges can sometimes be in the most unlikely of places, where we may just need a second pair of eyes, or a "third eye", to help the process along. Awakening will always come in phases, just as the sun rises and sets each day. We are left with the responsibility to use the day to integrate each moment before potentially falling asleep again.
As we experience the pulse of this planet, we see time bend; days shorten and lengthen. We are no longer able to ignore the intensity and strength of our desire to shift and awaken to the aspects of ourselves that make us whole. We then realize we are all connected through a cosmic force that goes far beyond the plane of our material realm.
“Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.”
― Alan Wilson Watts
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