Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session
2.5 - 3 Hour BQH Zoom Session
Service Description
Please note that you will be initially guided through a process of requesting a time slot. I will then have to approve that slot before confirming your appointment. This approval process could take as long as 24 hours to approve, but will likely be approved before then. A good internet connection is helpful for online sessions. Online sessions are held using ZOOM, an easy web-based video meeting system. You need to have Zoom installed on your device. Having a headset or ear buds with microphone attached available is important. I will send you a personalized LINK for our session appointment. Here is a one-minute video on “How to join a Zoom meeting”: https://youtu.be/vFhAEoCF7jg Download the Zoom platform to your computer if necessary: https://zoom.us/support/download
Contact Details